
Tribute to María Luisa Martínez Chacón and Luis C. Sánchez De Posada

Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Jesús Arias de Velasco, s/n, 33005 Oviedo, Spain. evilla@uniovi.es
Corresponding author

Centro Paleobotánico, Real Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Avenida de Linneo, s/n, 14004 Córdoba, Spain. paleo.calvarez@jardinbotanicodecordoba.com


By this volume, the “Sociedad Española de Paleontología” would like to pay tribute to the palaeontologists María Luisa Martínez Chacón (Lis) and Luís Sánchez de Posada (Suco), a partner that have dedicated a lot of time and effort in order to work for the common good. They have made their mark in their respective science fields and, especially, they have demonstrated love and have built a relationship in all fields of their life. 

Key words: Preface.

How to cite: Villa, E. & Álvarez-Vázquez. 2018. Editorial. Homenaje a María Luisa Martínez Chacón y Luis C. Sánchez De Posada. [Tribute to María Luisa Martínez Chacón and Luis C. Sánchez De Posada]. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 33 (1), 1-4.

Received 31 January 2018, Accepted 12 April 2018, Published 30 June 2018


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