Research paper

Osteological identification criteria for Capra pyrenaica and Capra hircus validated with DNA

Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos. c/ Monforte de Lemos 5, pabellón 14. 28029 Madrid, Spain.
Corresponding author

Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos. c/ Monforte de Lemos 5, pabellón 14. 28029 Madrid, Spain.

Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos. c/ Monforte de Lemos 5, pabellón 14. 28029 Madrid, Spain.

Department of Archaeology and History. La Trobe University ,College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce DMBE 118, Melbourne (Bundoora), Australia.

Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos. c/ Monforte de Lemos 5, pabellón 14. 28029 Madrid, Spain.

Departamento de Paleontología. Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. c/ José Antonio Novais 2. Madrid, Spain.


The taxonomic identification of Capra hircus and Capra pyrenaica from bone remains is essential in order to be able to infer a prehistoric society’s subsistence strategy. Although osteometry is the criterion that is typically used to distinguish both of these species, Sarrión (1988) also defined morphological characteristics for distinguishing them. The objective of this work is to validate these morphological criteria with the genetic identification of ovicaprine bone remains from Palaeolithic and Neolithic levels of the Chaves site (Sierra de Guara, Huesca). The preliminary results indicate that the astragalus and calcaneus are more adequate for identifying Capra pyrenaica and Capra hircus and the discrimination criteria of mandibles and metacarpals are called into question.

Keywords: Capra pyrenaica, Capra hircus, DNA, Neolithic, Palaeolithic, Chaves site.

How to cite: Galindo-Pellicena M.Á., Ureña, I., Valdiosera C. & Arsuaga, J.L. 2016. Osteological identification criteria for Capra pyrenaica and Capra hircus validated with DNA. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 31 (2), 297-304.

Received 31 October 2015, Accepted 7 October 2016, Published 31 December 2016