Research paper
A review of Oligocene and early Miocene European Cricetidae (Mammalia)
Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Universidad de Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n, E-18071 Granada, Spain.
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Corresponding author
Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Universidad de Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n, E-18071 Granada, Spain.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the contents of several genera of European Oligocene and early Miocene Cricetidae, their distinguishing characters, and their stratigraphic distribution. The genera discussed are Atavocricetodon, Eucricetodon, Pseudocricetodon, and Allocricetodon. Several groups are distinguished within the genus Eucricetodon and any of these may constitute a separate (sub)genus. Our results also suggest that Atavocricetodon and Eucricetodon should be retained as separated genera. We restrict our analysis to the European forms because we don’t know the Asiatic species.
Keywords: Oligocene, early Miocene, taxonomy, Eucricetodontinae, Pseudocricetodontinae.
How to cite: Freudenthal, M. & Martín-Suárez, E. 2016. A review of Oligocene and early Miocene European Cricetidae (Mammalia). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 31 (2), 341-352.
Received 2 June 2015, Accepted 20 January 2016, Published 31 December 2016