Research paper

Actualistic taphonomy of amphibian bones predated by strigiforms from central Argentina. Contributions for palaeontological and archaeological studies

FONCyT, IDACOR-CONICET, Museo de Antropología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 174, CP 5000. Córdoba, Argentina.
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A comparative taphonomic analysis of amphibian remains recovered from Strigiforms raptors pellets from central Argentina in the Córdoba province is presented: Tyto furcata, Megascops choliba and Athene cunicularia. The results derived from the analysis of the representativeness and anatomical abundance revealed high percentages of relative abundance in all cases. The degrees of breakage and digestion were evaluated as light for T. furcate, light-moderate for M. choliba and moderate for A. cunicularia. In general, these evaluations are consistent with previous references. However, variations in breakage and digestion patterns were detected. Data presented provide information as modern analogs to assess the presence of this class of remains in archaeological and palaeontological contexts.

Key words: Microvertebrates; Taphonomy; Modern analogs; South American Predators.

How to cite: Mignino, J. 2021. Tafonomía actualística de huesos de anfibios predados por strigiformes del centro de Argentina. Contribuciones para estudios paleontológicos y arqueológicos. [Actualistic taphonomy of amphibian bones predated by strigiforms from central Argentina. Contributions for palaeontological and archaeological studies]. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 36 (1), 79–90.

Received 8 September 2020, Accepted  21 January 2021, Published online: 13 April 2021

(Spanish only)