Volume 8, nº1 January, 1993.
01. |
DE PORTA, J., MARTINELL, J. & GONZÁLEZ DELGADO, J.A. Caecidae (Gastropoda, Mesogastropoda) del Neógeno y Cuaternario marinos del Mediterráneo noroccidental y de la Península Ibérica. 1-13. PDF |
02. |
SWAIN, F.M. Some ostracoda from the Lower Cretaceous of northern and eastern Spain. 14-32. PDF |
03. |
PALMQVIST, P. Trophic levels and the observational completeness of the fossil record. 33-36. PDF |
04. |
CASANOVAS-CLADELLAS, M.A., CHECA-SOLER, LL. & SANTAFÉ-LLOPIS, J.V. Esqueleto postcraneal de los Equoidea de talla media del yacimiento Ludiense de Roc de Santa (área del Noguera Pallaresa, Lleida, España). 37-55. PDF |
05. |
LAMOLDA, M.A. Recensión. John W. Murray. 1991. Ecology and Palaeoecology of Benthic Foraminifera. Longman Scientific and Technical. Essex. ISBN 0-582-05122-3. 56. PDF |
06. |
AGUIRRE-URRETA, M.B. Neocomian ammonite biostratigraphy of the Andean basins of Argentina and Chile. 57-74. PDF |
07. |
MCKENZIE, K.G., REYMENT, R.A. & REYMENT, E.R. Eocene ostracoda from the Browns Creek Clays at Browns Creek and Castle Cove, Victoria, Australia. 75-116. PDF |
08. |
HOEDEMAEKER, P.J. & COMPANY, M. (Reporters), and co-workers. Ammonite zonation for the Lower Cretaceous of the Mediterranean region; basis for the stratigraphic correlations within IGCP-Project 262. 117-120. PDF |