To upload a manuscript to the journal, complete the following steps.
Encountering difficulties? Contact the Journal editors (editor @ for assistance.
The Spanish Journal of Palaeontology accepts submissions in several languages. Choose the primary language of the submission from the pulldown below.
Just the corresponding author will take primary responsibility for communication with the Spanish Journal of Palaeontology during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process.
Uploads Files
To upload a manuscript to the Spanish Journal of Palaeontology click Choose a File for locating your files on your computer.
Please, for the review process create a unique pdf file containing the main text and captions, including all figures and tables at the end of the document.
In addition, add as well a word or txt file with the main text of your manuscript in order to facilitate the editorial revision.
Complete Manuscript (Only one pdf file)
Max. size: 128.0 MB
Manuscript Main Text (.doc or .txt files)
Max. size: 128.0 MB
Cover letter must include at least three reviewers suggestion.
Cover letter
Max. size: 128.0 MB
To upload more than one supplemetary file you must select all of them at the same time with Ctrl-key.
Upload supplementary files
Max. size: 128.0 MB
Submission Checklist
Indicate that the submission is ready to be considered by the Spanish Journal of Palaeontology by checking off the following boxes, but please read and confirm also our Journal Ethic and Privacy Statements.